Lesson series

Energy working together just for you, a spiritual Spa day cleanse

This like many things in life, other factors come into place, different kinds of energies that heal, cleanse our selves. This is different, and very delightful way of healing,clearing, cleansing. Follicles can get contaminated, plugged with energies that get stored up for no reason. The fiber optics of our being, also need our love and for this I together with this along with Divine intelligence have created a clearing for around your intentions so you may align with more clarity. This clearing helps your intention be more clear without the disruption of particles or the static that may have accumulated through time when challenging self in the past, in several departments. This will help focus in self love as well as bring attention to self awareness. It will be more apparent to you after such a treatment or cleansing in this way. When you place intentions and they are met, they will be more visible with more clarity. This routine will help you in a higher vibrational way of being. As we are always discovering amazing ways, this I find helps me. Relax, Enjoy! inlimited access after purchase
  • 68 learners

  • 4 hours

    Video duration
  • 27 hours

    Course duration
  • 4 Ebooks

    Free of charge





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    Intuitive, brilliant in light, different/unique approach that brings clarity, direction, and positive support for my clients also offering support throught the alignment and healing techniques that come through the energy channeling work I do and offer through sessions and teavhings and workshop and courses that have been channeled to help people ascend heal and vibrate themselves into a better way of being that supports their uniqueness , happiness and prosperouse way of being, undeniable way of true being , recieving with grace and prosperity, fully aligned with your true source and the heaven and earths new way of being. Living your best life. Helping you ascend through the levels of prosperity.
    Continually ascending and vibrating yourself into the truety of who you relly are aand came here to be. Healing from the inside out mirroring your life as you would like it to be. conditioning your ;life in a state of well being for you. 

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