Lesson series

Center & Aligning with Love,  a way to your future. 

Come and be at your true Home be one with you, with this simple and effective way. I am honoured to offer this activation, assists you to carry on in your day with more Grace and ease as you simplify your practice. Easy &amplified ; effective way to bring you collectively back to your center. collecting the fragments and healing them as you go, ascending you to be in that good feeling well-being space, your true home. restoring your cells/self. Examples:more Clarity, focus, restraints lifting, collection of fragments for all of you/ for your inner child, collectively separating in a healthy way, free of separation anxiety, grieving made more barrable, anger being realized, transmuted energy, energy that rightfully belongs to others, repeated patterns dissipate, meditation made easy, get into that meditative state quickly. These are all examples of this Center and Aligning with Love, and this comes with activation. People have let go of fears that have been hiding within their being and transmuting them on a dime. The course that follows these centering workshop has continued the collection of cells and transmutation with replacement. Suggested after you have familiarized your self with this. Take a look at how the feeling of Love really feels and know where you are in the scheme of things, ascending with Light and Love. Check out website for online only or choice 2: online plus a one on one. Being in presence, with the whole of you is with this type of practice is much different, I have experienced many benefits as have my students, the people I have worked with. and also to those who practice this, great for all ages. I now offer this workshop course, an activation to self at a ascended level. There are steps to take. If you feel anxiety, stress, emotional, feeling of not able to concentrate, weird focused thoughts, manifestations all over the place, feeling other energies. After going through this workshop you will be left to do about a minute ritual that changes your life in ways that I cant even describe in words, as for everyone it depends where you are on your path, I know this will help wherever you are on your path. You will have a stronger connection to you a deeper connection to Love. We create from a feeling, emotion, it starts with you so knowing yourself, feeling (you)yourself is key. You are love so as you connect with self you will be more Love attracting that what you are and have more clarity as you continue centering and then Aligning. How inviting you will be when you are inviting in love and free standing, feeling calm collected and in a place of peace from within, and start connecting with your life at different grades. There is more to you then you may Energetically, Spiritually know. Center and Aligning came to me many years ago and how it helped me is far beyond what I can explain, but I will do my best here. I was discovering the power of Love, The God energy, and in my surprise I realized as a clairvoyant that particles of our being was being spread all over but also left all over and how could I help myself, as a Empath the energetic connections were unbearable at time changing my trajectory and frequency as well. Yet knowing you need certain energy to advance into and out of the collective with Love a subliminal messages that need to be sustained to begin picking up the pieces and yet every cell was telling me different so I was deciphering through the dark energies of time and discomforts to know what was me and what wasn’t. It was really a surreal time in my life as the discoveries where quite accurate and was lining up to what I know to be. that we are transmitting energies that we have absorbed and maybe even contained over time, maybe even life times, and we came here to de-contain and clear as we release them with love entity not with hatred or unevenness to the light, the love that we truly are and have not discovered it true power, to heal to manifest to release the containments of others to feel the self like never before. I feel we have been on a threshold of darkness that has finally seen light and we are destined to acknowledge the greatness in our selves from a pure energy. As energy is everything in its purity so unraveling yourself from past beliefs, characterizes that you are a realist that has the energy to self medicate in life without the extremities of world wars events that have you focused on in order to heal. The energy of centering came from yoga a transmitter of sorts and yoga felt that being in the presence will have you aligned, but in my practice I have found that if the alignment isn’t to the almighty the power of purity, truth and Love you will wonder around in the darkness of life without having met your expectation of being who you came here to be or represent. You are a light in the darkness of your mind so hang on to your dignity and help yourself feel the presence of the almighty self that resides within you. For you have the power of suggestion. What is the suggestion for your self? Is it to have more love, more joy, more fun, more of the life you came here to live, life is about having experiences those things and more, in the presence you can have a torch inside of you, what I call your home that burns in the day and night to help you sleep to help you dance when you need to dance, depending on you your situation as everyone’s is different. But the expression her is to align yourself with wealth the wealth that has no limits, unlimited in life, freedom, peace and all that has the love that everyone needs to succeed. But what if you don’t know where you are, and the present isn’t just here but you are scattered and can’t feel where you are and someone else is. To entangled in the energies and they bind you to the frequencies that are not in conjunction to where you are meant to be or to experience and yet you can’t get past something. Well this is why on my many transmission with the Divine teachings through the self I was shown frequencies , felt energies, and was prescribed ways to help myself and I am now sharing them with you as the centering that I discovered changed how I can be with others converse with others and still come home to myself without getting entangled in them and there pasts as it is not only that what you see it is that what you cant or don’t. I was gifted with modalities that helped me study observe and learn from experiences as well as observations, so I could teach what I know to be from the teaching of the archangels and masters. This particular aligning , centering in to the self was transpired through the teaching with Jesus and other divine dignities that helped me discover the appeal of such a practice as the transformations that occur after you begin such a practice are phenomenal. Not everyone can center without this activation. as the children from age 3 and up they start to loose contact with that contact with that self if they are not reminded as they to can get bogged down with the energies of the soul teaching of others, this way they can have the teachings they are aligned for not the ones that others are aligning for them. With this activation “Centering and Aligning With Love”. Center, Align daily, morning and night and follow through as your intuition self aligns you, as you begin to restore your wealth of who you are and remain in Love while doing so. Like loving brushing your teeth, combing your hair, washing your face and so on. feel free to book a one on one for after you take this course, email me for details. This is very beneficial to you as you move forward with more confidence andget any other questions answered or any additional healing done moving forward for your future. 

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